
Interdepartmental Commission has approved NovaMedica’s application for conclusion of SPIC aimed at creation of a new pharmaceutical manufacturing facility

22 December 2017

Moscow, December 22, 2017 – Russian pharmaceutical company NovaMedica (investment project of RMI) informed that it received approval of the Interdepartmental Committee (IDC) to conclude the Special Investment Contract (SPIC) within the investment project devoted to creation of a pharmaceutical plant for manufacturing of sterile injectable drug products in the Kaluga region. This is the first SPIC in the industry which is aimed at support of creation of a greenfield pharmaceutical facility. 

Portfolio of drug products which was supported by the IDC includes essential drugs which were transferred to NovaMedica within its partnership with Pfizer as well as own development products of NovaMedica. SPIC envisages extension of this list with the development of the pipeline of own R&D products of NovaMedica subject to approval of the IDC. Company plans to manufacture more than 40 modern effective drug products which are demanded by the Russian patients. 

“Creation of a greenfield high-tech pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in full compliance with international standards of quality will allow us to provide Russian patients with effective drug products and will open an opportunity to export our products abroad. SPIC is highly important for us. We greatly appreciate support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Administration of the Kaluga region where our plant is going to be constructed as well as of our strategic partner – Pfizer which transfers to us valuable knowledge and technologies of manufacturing of modern highly-demanded drug products”, noted Alexander Kuzin, CEO of NovaMedica

SPIC will include main measures of stimulation of development of pharmaceutical manufacturing in Russia by providing the status of local manufacturer as well as of the right to receive the status of unique supplier of a wide range of essential drug products in order to participate in the process of state procurement. Term of the SPIC is until 2026. It is planned that the Contract will be signed in the next couple of months. 

About NovaMedica

NovaMedica is a modern Russian pharmaceutical company founded in 2012 by Domain Associates LLC, leading U.S. venture capital firm, and RMI LLC. NovaMedica possesses a well-developed infrastructure for promotion and sales of pharmaceutical products. Currently company is promoting a portfolio of 25 ophthalmological and gastroenterological products in the Russian market. NovaMedica's strategy is aimed at search, registration and localization in Russia of intellectual property rights for innovative pharmaceuticals products and technologies, as well as at development and implementation of own R&D projects. In April 2017 NovaMedica opened the Technological Center with state-of-the-art technological capabilities which were previously unavailable in the Russian pharmaceutical industry. NovaMedica became key partner of Pfizer in Russia in 2016. Within this partnership NovaMedica started construction of the pharmaceutical GMP manufacturing facility in the Kaluga region in May 2017. In October 2017 R&D Center of NovaMedica received a manufacturing license from the Ministry of industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. In December 2017 Interdepartmental Commission approved NovaMedica’s application for SPIC to create new pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in the Kaluga region.

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