Range of refractive independence and mechanism of action of a corneal shape–changing hydrogel inlay: Results and theory

Print 02 October 2015
Roger F. Steinert, MD, Jim Schwiegerling, PhD, Alan Lang, PhD, Adam Roy, MS, Keith Holliday, PhD, Enrique Barragán Garza, MD, Arturo S. Chayet, MD / Journal of Cataract Refractive Surgery

The clinical data presented show the corneal inlay significantly improved near and intermediate uncorrected visual acuities across a 2.0 D range of preoperative refractive range (-0.5 D to +1.50 D) and age-related reading ADD powers between +1.50 D to +2.50 D.  Near task performance was also significantly improved in good and dim light compared to preoperative levels.  In the treated eye, the mean postoperative visual acuities were: 20/25 (near), 20/25 (intermediate), and 20/32 (distance).   The clinical outcomes are explained by the center-near power profile of the cornea induced by the shape-changing inlay providing zones within the pupil for good near, intermediate, and distance image quality.  And this thesis is confirmed by optical ray-trace predictions of visual acuity over this preoperative refractive range at distance, intermediate and near. 


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